Monday, June 11, 2007

Day 1 - Adventures and tears, tears and adventures

Today we left Wellington off on our adlibing asia adventure, after last-minute packing until 5am that morning! The whole Denton / Porter family accompanied us to the airport which gave us as much time with the most important people as possible. Liv cried enough for both the adventurers, as everyone knows Liv is a home-body at heart (Adam is used to adventures).

The flight from Wellington to Auckland went without any problems and we were met by Carly and Stu (thank goodness - this made life very easy and provided Liv with that little extra family time she needed to take the step onto the plane).

The 12 hour flight to Bangkok (Thai Airlines flight TG990!!) was a nice bridging period between leaving family and arriving in Thailand. Lots of movies were watched and games played - and those who could sleep (Liv) did, and the others didn't (sorry Dad).

On arrival, we succesfully navigated the terminals to passport check and baggage claim. Adam's pack ready and waiting, Liv's still at home in NZ (must have been homesick already too)! Luckily I put some essentials aside for the next day in case of this - thanks to Kate's advice, and against Adam's (thanks Kate!). After report filed with airline, and thankfuly a hotel booked for Saturday night for it to be delivered to (thanks Mumbles), off in taxi to our hotel - Queens Garden Resort.

Sleep - bliss.

1 comment:

worlddoc said...

SO.. you are saying Liv is open with her emotions and Adam saves them up for later?>??
Love you both