In Xingping, we bartered our way onto a small boat for a cruise along the Li river. While waiting for our boat, we bought a yummy fried potato-stick each, from the street stall.
After catching the bus home to Yangshuo we lazed around until dinner time. We managed to remove 8kgs of weight from our bags, which we sent to the University for storage - Adam especially will appreciate the lighter pack tomorrow when we do our first mini-trek.
For dinner Liv had another delicious pancake from the corner, and Adam treated himself to the local delicacy at the market - Beer Fish. This episode involved Adam choosing a fish from a bowl, watching it 'prepared' for eating, seeing it cooked (with an astonishing amount of chilli, and of course the beer), and then spending the next hour attempting to chopstick the way through the whole fish on his plate!
On our way home we attempted to buy fruit for our dessert, but after feeling ripped off time and time again came home empty handed for the first time. Luckily Liv has a mango in reserve upstairs!
Off to pack now, and prepare for our onward journey from here - we plan to go to Longsheng tomorrow to experience the famous rice paddies of China.
Adlibing the water-ways of the Li River
1 comment:
Hi guy's it's Yoka here.I've so enjoyed catching up with your adventures,your father and I have just spent 3 days at Otaki and it rained now it's hosing down.We went to our usual restaurants,caught up with John and Michelle and one of the old Tawa doc's,Leslie Florence.The dogs are missing you both as much as we do,keep writing because it makes us feel as though we're part of your adventures. LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF HUGS AND KISSES TO YOU BOTH.LOVE YOU HEEEEEEEEEEEEEPS,MUM,YOKA.
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