Monday, June 25, 2007

Day 18 - Tackling a Peak of Guilin

After a long sleep in, we woke and might as well have eaten lunch!! Instead we headed to Fubu Shan ("Wave Subduing Hill"), which is one of many peaks perched on the edge of the Li river. After a short walk to the top we were rewarded with 360 degree views of the river and the city. We could also see Solitary Beauty Peak (152m peak nearby), and part of Elephant hill, a mountain that resembles an Elephant's trunk rested in the Li river - it was nice to see these things without having to pay to go in. Sites are expensive in China - and make budgetting a bit harder.
At the top we met Ashley from the US, and we wandered along the Li river with her, hoping for a bamboo raft ride along the river - but the prices were crazy expensive, so we walked it instead - beautiful none the less and still provided views of Elephant Hill, which we were wanting.
We also stumbled across one of China's many exercise parks - which Adam definitely approves of! Lots of fun - no wonder there's very few overweight people in China. Adam won't make much money over here as a personal trainer - so he'll be back!
We stopped for a rest on the bank of one of the beautiful small lakes in Guilin - Shan Hu. In the middle are huge Chinese towers - Adam loves the architecture of these.
Our walk home turned into one of our back-street wanders, after we took a wrong turn - but we got there in the end, and thoroughly enjoyed the different and less-touristy views!

On our way, Adam found a local beer (only NZ 65cents - woo hoo) and Liv found a mango - both of us satisfied! The mangos here are super-cheap and flavoursome, and gives Liv a break from her usual diet of fried vegetables and noodles / rice!

We're about to head to dinner now - who knows what this will entail! Actually, knowing our track record it'll be fried veges for Liv and something spicy for Adam!

Adlibing the eateries.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just went to Yum Cha for lunch. It was EEEWW YUCK and I thought of you guys and understood why Liv especially is struggling with the food in China. Hope you've managed to find somewhere that does steamed veges and rice! Love you both heaps...Carl xx