Monday, June 25, 2007

Day 16 - Travellers Travelling

Today was a day of travellers travelling. When you're tripping around an area this vast, it takes a decent amount of time to get between destinations! This doesn't mean the journey isn't as enjoyable as getting there. We got to see phenominal scenery on our way from Macau to Guangzhou, a place where we are very familiar with!

One thing we have noticed is that there is a huge discrepancy between the rich and poor - slums are nestled in between high-rise towers - seemingly co-existing well, but who knows ...?

On arrival in Guangzhou, we got on the metro to the long-distance bus station and bought our tickets to the next destination: Guilin in Guangxi Province. Our tickets also double as our accommodation for the night - at least it had aircon. Adam even wore his (dad's!) ice-breaker for the first time!

The major sight-seeing today was Adam's brief excursion through the first underground tunnel of Guangzhou!
The trip to Guilin was meant to be 13 hours, so we were very pleased whenit turned out to only be 9.5 hours!
Adlibing it on buses, all day and night.

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