Sunday, August 19, 2007

Day 73 - A restful day of exhausting our feet

We had decided in advance that we would rest our weary travellers' bodies today, so we slept in till mid-morning. A cell phone alarm that kept going off, threatened our sleep, but this is part of getting a cheap bed in the dorms.

After another home made meal for breakfast, we evenutally set out to ride the metro in search of Haizhu Square where we got back to our adlibing ways and wandered the streets before making it to the market where we spent hours browsing everything from childrens' toys, clothes, jewellry and everything else you could imagine. It's like one huge $2 shop maze. The thing that cracked us up was the lighter in the shape of a fire extinguisher - China is full of cliches!

Unbelievably we managed to leave the market empty-handed, but full of hopes that we could find something similar when we make it to Jinan (otherwise Adam has promised we can return to Guangzhou, for a shopping spree).

Hungry for lunch, we walked in and out of a few places before finally finding the restaurant that could give us what we wanted for a price we were willing to pay! The meal was great, and we were glad we spent the time searching. The friendly staff pointed us in the direction of a local market where we continued our penny saving and got to experience our first vege and noodle market purchase. There was lots of freshly cut meat and fish, but we bypassed this. For the meagre price of 3.70 yuan we got lots of noodles, bok-choy and a tomato for our dinner tonight. We look forward to doing our regular market shop when we're settled at work.

On the way back to catch the metro, we came across Beijing Lu - one of the biggest pedestrian shopping streets in Guangzhou, and amazingly crowded on the weekend. We wandered the streets, battling away the men approaching us offering 'genuine' rolex watches from their shady roadside stall, and occasionally venturing into a shop for a look around. Down the middle of the street were some remains of the old city, which we could look down at through glass windows.
Our restful day had turned into many hours on our feet, and we were beginning to fade. This was made worse by walking around the block in search of a metro station, and further exaggerated when we lost each other making our way to the platform. The 15 minute separation among the masses of metro travellers turned out fine, and before long we were relaxing back at the hostel.

Tonight we plan to dine in luxury on our market goodies, and pack for our trip to Hong Kong tomorrow!

Adlibing the market maze.

1 comment:

worlddoc said...

Hi guys,Tawa mum here,Finally caught up with your adventures,upto day 73,it remains an awesome read.No doubt Erin-Jane has caught you both up with her 21st arrangements so your father and I are looking forward to that,Basil and Mary and family are also coming down hopefully,have already booked my haircut and colour.Sandra has sold her place in Tawa and bought a smaller place in Waikane which she seems happy with ,settlement is about 14th of September.Miranda is in Auckland this week,back on Friday,Martin and Jason are batcheloring this week,which for Martin probably means no cooking.Made an impromptu visit to Johnsonville on Sunday last but nobody home,the luck of the draw.Training with Michael is going well,even back to kneeling on the ball.Managed to have quite a nasty fall last Sunday whilst re-potting my plants,if only the Porters had been home I would've been drinking wine, instead of sporting all these bruises.Miles is vacuming for me at the moment so I'll go and give him some motherly encouragement,i.e stay out of the way.Thats it from Tawa,LOTS AND LOTS OF LOVE MUM.