Friday, August 3, 2007

Day 57 - Rolling our way to Wuyuan

In store for us today was another day of travelling through China's vast countryside as we headed to Wuyuan, via Jingdezhen (the home of porcelain). On our way to Jingdezhen we passed Poyang Hu (Poyang Lake), which is China's largest freshwater lake. Passing through the beautiful scenery we wanted to take photos, but our camera refuses to oblige at speed and through windows - truly though, you should come here to experience it if you can: NZ is the most beautiful place on earth, but the sheer magnitude and space of China is breathtaking. We had expected a grey and stinky concrete mass (which we experience in the cities), but we are continually blown away by the beauty of China that isn't portrayed nearly enough.

We also passed by an old-style Fire Engine, that we knew would make mumbles giddy - it was complete with wooden ladders (great in a fire, we're sure) and a water cannon mounted on top! After spotting our stares, the driver flicked on the lights and sirens for an impromptu performance - much to our delight!

After 8 and a half hours of travelling we made it to Wuyuan, which is our ticket back into the countryside. Wuyuan town is one of the typical towns that is being demolished and rebuilt with little regard to its history, however we hope to get to experience some of the history before it completely disappears.

Straying away from the Lonely Planet guide for accommodation again, we found a hotel for much cheaper and in a great location. We were blessed when the owner's daughter and her friends took us under their english-speaking wings and told us all we need to know to venture into the villages tomorrow, even writing notes to our future bus drivers. They also helped us learn to use the phone card that had frustrated us for so long yesterday! And finally they brought us to the internet cafe, and paid for us too! We've said it before, and we'll probably say it again, but boy, people here are truly truly giving.

Adlibing it to Jiangxi's mountainous boundary.

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