Thursday, August 16, 2007

Day 70 - Our adlibing travels come full circle

Today began with screaming children running up and down the train aisles, as light streamed in through the windows many hours before our arrival time. We spent the night on 'hard-sleepers" on the overnight train to Guangzhou, which isn't as bad as it sounds as we had relatively comfy beds in a supposedly airconditioned train. A nice change from our usual mode of transport, which requires us to be seated upright for hours on end!

Arriving back in Guangzhou, it was nice to be back in familiar territory - we actually knew where we were, where we were going, and how to get there! No aimless wandering for accommodation, as we just returned to the faithful youth hostel we were at almost 10 weeks ago to the day - holy moly, has time really gone this fast?!

The first part of the day was spent resting, before venturing out in search of a temporary replacement for our broken digital camera. During our search we paused for lunch down a narrow cobblestoned alleyway, drawing us away from the crowds of the nearby pedestrian shopping street! Lunch was the usual fried rice and noodles, which we are enjoying at the real Chinese price - i.e. cheap!

The search for the camera was far more difficult than we could have imagined, but after an hour or more we came across our first disposable, initially quoted at a ridiculous price. Finally we found a cheap film camera (complete with batteries and a couple of films), which will do us just fine until we find a new digital on our shopping spree in Hong Kong. We think we may hold onto the film camera and sell it back to an antique dealer once we're done!

On our way home we did some grocery shopping for dinner supplies (i.e. 2 minute noodles and veges!) to help save pennies for Hong Kong, where our budget will double to allow for just the basic necessities!

Tonight we plan to rest and start our rejuvenation process, in preparation for the hectic atmosphere we expect to encounter at our next two destinations - Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Adlibing it back to where we started.

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