Saturday, August 25, 2007

Day 78 - Packing in Hong Kong

After going to bed earlier on this morning, we slept the rest of it away before making a quick outing for breakfast and train supplies from the local supermarket. Avoiding the hassle of trying to find a cheap, vegetarian breakfast, we dined on our regular peanut and banana sandwiches and packed up ready to leave Hong Kong.

At the train station we reluctantly gave up our Octopus cards and with it the ease of Hong Kong's public transport system, and set about spending our Hong Kong coins we couldn't change back to yuan. After lunch the extra money went into chocolate for the trip and before long we were in the waiting room, preparing for our longest train ride yet - 20 hours all the way to the metropolis of Shanghai.

Once on the train, Adam impressed the men on board when he climbed to the top bunk with his pack still on his back - he gets the thumbs up just walking along the street, so you can imagine the applause when he climbed the three bunks with it on! Liv just responded to the thumbs up signs with the universal swirl of the fingers around the ears (crazy, and strong).

With not much to do, we settled in to read and sleep - breaking once for our noodles in a paper bowl - and waited for Shanghai to arrive.

Adlibing the train out of Hong Kong.