Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Days 144-146 - Our days of doing nothing in particular ...

A couple of weeks ago Adam had a very unfortunate encounter with one of his students (we'll call him Wanker) - who, after being caught for cheating, stomped on Adam's jandal-footed feet. And we mean actually stomp. With full intensity. Without going into any of the boring details, the short end of it is that on Monday Wanker was forced by the university to take us out for lunch - which according to wanker is a 'sign of friendship and unity'. Well, you could have fooled us, because it seemed like all he was interested in was eating the food the university ended up shelling out for and laughing with our boss and our boss's boss. His forced apology was a muffled 'sorry', which he clearly didn't mean. Oh well, we got a free feed, Adam's foot is fine, and we just figure that his father must be someone special considering the way the director of our campus was treating him. In fact, we're wondering what will happen when Adam fails Wanker as he happens to also suck at English.

On the topic of free food, you'll never believe what they ordered for us - fermented duck eggs. Just like the ones we had mistakenly (and regrettably) ordered for ourselves last week. These turned out to be better than the ones we ordered - giving us the impression that those fermented eggs were also off - mmm mmmm imagine the combination.

Tuesday and Wednesday were spent following our normal routines of complaining about 8am classes (and the forward-planning for next week's classes), eating our homemade delicacies, and doing the weekly shop. At this particular shop we may as well have been shopping for the next month as we stocked up on rations to accommodate our guests who arrive tomorrow! Don't worry, we managed to find some weird Chinese 'treats' to tantalise their taste buds.

And now all we have to look forward to is 4 days off work and a week with Dad and Murray.

Adlibing our way through fermented eggs, again. Seriously?!!

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