Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Days 137-143 - Chilling our way to the weekend

The beginning of our week was spent just chilling out and teaching. We are conserving our energy for the missions we plan to undertake when Dr Death and Murray arrive next week! The first thing of note that we did this week was on Wednesday when as usual Adam went to foreigners' night at Wei Weis, while Liv stayed up all night catching herself up on (and scaring herself silly watching) LOST. The foreigners at Wei Weis this week were quite the spectacle with over 40 people attending during the night - so many laowai in one place!! Even the people who live across the road and see us every Wednesday, had to take a second look at such a mass of white!

On average there is usually only about 20 people there every week, depending on which of the 100+ foreigners show up. After a feed and some beers, a form of mass migration occurred as we all made our way to what Adam calls the "Long Way Home" bar, because that's how the Chinese words sounds. He also thinks this is very appropriate as Adam usually arrives home in the wee hours of the morning, much longer than if he had just gone to Wei Weis. Just how often the foreigners go to this bar was illustrated when some of the girls took along a mix-cd of their own for the dj to play!

By the time Adam came home, Liv had only just made it to bed herself, after being so scared she didn't want to move! Dee, I need you here to do these things ...]

Our day off on Thursday was spent in the usual manner. The morning was reserved for Adam's recovery and the afternoon was spent in town eating and shopping. While we were wandering along the main road in town, we had to pause and join the growing crowd watching an entire apartment building being demolished by the gaping jaws of heavy machinery! This is a demonstration of what is happening all over China, as the old makes way for the new.

On Friday we chilled and taught some more, which is kind of the whole reason that we are stationary and not adlibing our way to a new destination every 2-3 days.

After spending the day at home doing the whole 'chilling out' thing, by about 4pm on Saturday Adam decided to do something. Unfortunately Liv doesn't run, so he headed out by himself for an exploration by foot, while Liv continued sorting out the thousands of photos we have of our adlibing adventures so far. Once again Adam managed to get lost and in the process found a new walking adventure for both of us to enjoy another day. This walk will lead us from the highway of modern China down a dirt road to a small village round the corner, with the appearance that makes it look like it has been tucked out of sight. So even though we had a very relaxed day, we finally achieved the task of organising and putting our photos online - hope you're enjoying them!

On Saturday night, we went to dinner with one of Liv's students at a restaurant nearby school, and soon enough we were home in time to do some more chilling and movie watching. We made the mistake of not taking our trusty umbrellas with us, and got caught in the thunder and lightning storm on the way home - though this didn't prevent Adam from taking the long way home via the store to fill up him backpack with beer, of course!

Believe it or not, Sunday was spent in much the same fashion as the last 6 days of the week. We fed our Grey's Anatomy addiction, even though we have seen all the episodes - but seriously sometimes the body needs to do nothing but watch Grey's. Seriously.

The adlibers spend their week chilling.

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