Upon getting off the bus we were met by 4 or 5 ladies wanting to take us to various hostels. After initially turning them away, we finally accepted one lady's offer for help - she first took us to a wonderful hostel that unfortunately had only expensive double rooms left. The second hostel she took us to was Hostel No. 4 (right next to Hostel No. 3 and nearby Hostel No. 5!) - which is set in a wonderful setting with pavillions spread around the gardens to eat or relax in.
We don't usually follow people to hostels, it's often better to find them ourselves, but it doesn't cost us anything extra and the guide gets a little something from the hostel for her effort. Also, she managed to take us to a really nice hostel we may not have found ourselves!
After settling into the hostel we headed out for dinner - because we were so hungry we went to the first street kitchen we could find. We had a nice dinner of potatoes and fried noodles - but it was nothing compared to the amazing meals we had in Kunming! We'll definitely search around for dinner tomorrow night.
Next we wandered the streets of Dali, starting out in the touristy locations and as night fell we ventured further afar. Walking through the streets, it is hard to ignore the constant requests from local women asking (mainly Adam) if he 'wants to smoke ganga'!
All the gates and pavillions dotted around the cobblestone streests are lit up at night and look fantastic and were a lovely distraction from the shops - we attempted to show this in the photo of Adam below.
1 comment:
Hi big baby boy and his very special girl,Idon't know how I get onto this site sometimes as I make so many mistakes but I love hearing about your travel's so much I keep trying,usually when someone is around.Small interuption as the electrician just arrived to fix the power-point in our ensuite,Tobi was her usual brave self,the lights just went out.There has been some really bad weather in N.Z.Jan and John were without power for 22 hours in Thames and there have been about 7 tornados in New-Plymouth,both areas have suffered a great deal of damage.Still no contact with Erin-Jane,though Miles told me he had dropped her off at Livvy's home to see Ethan.As for Miles,he's still coughing but says hes O.K.Uni starts seriously on Monday 16th July.Your dad is off to have sushi with Roy this evening[Friday 13th]so that should make him happy as he has had a full on week.Miranda and I along with 2 others went to see the fifth Harry Potter movie,I found it a little disjointed and so a bit disappointing,I'm still seeing Michael as you well knew I would be but things remain sore and as a consequence I get very stiff.Your first question about Dr Susse,I'm unsure about but as for the Tintin books I've located 2 books the 1st Tintin in Tibet and the 2nd is,Red Rackham's Treasure,which has a picture of a black submarine on the cover.Next what does DOMS mean,I did ask Michael but I've forgotten.The Tintin book you are thinking about is ,The Blue Lotus and it is set in both China and Japan and has references to Shanghai and Nanking.Well I think that should catch you up with home.LOTS AND LOTS OF LOVE,MUM.
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